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网络: 通识教育

教师 & 导师信息

欧洲杯买球的通识教育课程是跨学科的, 多年, 文科教育经历.

This section of the 通识教育 website is meant as a resource for faculty and advisors.


欧洲杯买球 下graduate students must complete the U of I 通识教育 Curriculum. The U of I 通识教育 Curriculum is a 多年 educational experience designed to complement the coursework in each student's major. The U of I 通识教育 Curriculum helps students obtain the skills and competencies employers are looking for.

每年的通识教育课程都建立在前一年的基础上, reiterating and interlinking with the other courses and seminars embedded in the students major and align with the University Learning Outcomes.

Advisors play an important role in helping students navigate the U of I 通识教育 Curriculum.


The U of I 通识教育 Curriculum prepares 下graduate students to be life-long learners by aligning with the University Learning Outcomes that state all students at the U of I will learn to:

  • 学习与整合
  • 思考和创造
  • 使用多种跨学科的方法和策略
  • 沟通和协作
  • 明确目的和观点
  • 践行良好公民意识

You will help students select 通识教育 courses that can be used to satisfy both state and institutional general education requirements. 这些课程统称为通识教育课程.

Students at 欧洲杯买球 must take courses in the following nine categories to complete the U of I 通识教育 Curriculum:

  • 书面交流(3-6学分,取决于实习)
  • 口语交流(2-3学分)
  • 科学的认知方式 (8 credits from two different disciplines which include two accompanying labs, OR 7 credits which includes a Core Science course (CORS) and one course with an accompanying lab)
  • 数学的认知方式(3学分)
  • 人文与艺术的认知方式(两个不同学科的6学分)
  • 社会和行为的认知方式(两个不同学科的6个学分)
  • 美国多样性(1门课程)
  • 国际(1门课程或经过批准的海外学习经历)
  • 顶点体验(1门课程)

属于上述每一个类别的课程可以在 目录 in 部分J-3.

All 下graduate students at 欧洲杯买球 must fulfill U of I's 通识教育 Curriculum requirements. 看到 目录 欲了解更多有关 转学生通识教育课程要求. 下面,您将发现目录中提供的信息摘要:

If students have completed one of the degrees or programs listed below prior to admission to U of I, they are considered to have already satisfied the U of I 通识教育 Curriculum requirements:

  • 一个一个.A. 或者一个.S. 在地区认可的机构获得.
  • A completed Intersegmental 通识教育 Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) at a regionally accredited California community college.
  • 完成36个学分的通识教育要求,定义见 爱达荷州董事会政策III.N, without an Associate of 艺术 或者一个ssociate of Science degree AND they transfer from a regionally accredited postsecondary institution in Idaho.

如果学生来到UI没有完成A.A. 或者一个.S. or are not certified as having completed the equivalent of Idaho’s State Board of Education general education core, 他们有两种选择来完成大学通识教育课程:

  • Complete the UI 通识教育 Curriculum using a combination of transfer credits and credits they take at U of I. 在这种情况下, transfer credits are evaluated on a course-by-course basis for equivalency to courses specified in J-3, 和缺失的课程是由完成必要的学分在J-3概述.
  • Complete the Idaho State Board of Education general education requirements as listed in the “Alternative 转学生通识教育要求” 下 the “转学生通识教育要求在…大学录取的部分。 目录.

你可以找到通识教育课程的列表 UI课程时间表. 此外,您还可以看到每个类别下的课程列表 UI目录 下 J-3.

是的. Certain American 多样性 and International courses are cross listed with certain 人文与艺术的认识方式 and 认识的社会和行为方式 courses; these can be used to satisfy both associated requirements.

这取决于. If your advisee wants to move to a different general education curriculum, please have them complete 这种形式.

If your advisee wants to petition to have a class fulfill a requirement in the UI 通识教育 Curriculum that isn’t on the list of approved classes, please have them complete the academic petition process through your college; this typically includes completing 这种形式.

通识教育课程按类别列于 UI目录J-3.

If you have a course you wish to propose for inclusion in the U of I 通识教育 Curriculum, 建议指引列于 大学通识教育委员会网页.

Please note: when designing a course for inclusion one of the following Idaho State Board 通识教育 Matriculation (GEM) areas, 你需要包括 董事会政策中概述的胜任能力:

  • 书面交流
  • 口语意识
  • 科学的认知方式
  • 数学的认知方式(3学分)
  • 人文与艺术的认识方式
  • 认识的社会和行为方式

为您的课程设计提供额外的帮助, 它的内容, 或处理UCGE建议书指引, 联系Barb Kirchmeier, 通识教育主任 barbara@fitsolar.net.


  1. Volunteer to be a GEM area representative at the Idaho 通识教育 Summit held in October every year.
  2. 在UI委员会偏好表上选择“大学通识教育委员会”.
  3. Use the 常见的阅读 text in your classes and encourage your students to attend the 常见的阅读 Keynote event.
  4. 自愿教授你所在部门开设的通识教育课程.
  5. 电子邮件 Barb Kirchmeier, 通识教育总监, 将被添加到犹他大学的通用教育电子邮件列表中,以了解犹他大学的通用教育活动.

共同阅读是一个旨在让大学和莫斯科社区参与的项目, 学生, 工作人员, 教职员工和社区成员, 在统一的智力活动中. 对于一年级学生,它向他们介绍了学术期望, 有礼貌的话语, 社区建设.

有很多方法可以将常见的阅读融入到你的课堂中, including assigning the book (or selections from the book) in your class and encouraging your students to attend the keynote presentation. 更多关于如何将常见的阅读融入你的课堂的想法, 浏览《欧洲杯买球app》

如果你有什么书的想法我们可以把它用在ui 常见的阅读项目上, 请电邮通识教育总监提名, Barb Kirchmeier, at barbara@fitsolar.net. 包括以下资料:

  • 书名、作者和出版商.
  • 这本书的简短摘要.
  • A short statement that explains how the content of the book will engage the university and the 莫斯科 community.
  • A short statement that explains how you think the content of the book might be integrated into different disciplines/classes.
  • Any other information you think would help the 常见的阅读 Selection Committee 下stand why you think this book would be a good pick for the 常见的阅读 program.

如果你想参加共同阅读遴选委员会, 请电邮通识教育总监, Barb Kirchmeier, at barbara@fitsolar.net.





电子邮件: panttaja@fitsolar.net

网络: 通识教育